Color Corp

The Fourth Degree Color Corp / Honor Guard for Corpus Christi Assembly 2810 consists of volunteers from within the assembly. Color Corp members serve as Honor Guards at Masses and special events to which they are invited. You will find the Color Corp at any Mass celebrated by the Bishop in our area. Other Masses include the annual Mass of Remembrance, Corporate Communion Mass, funerals, First Communions and Confirmations. or other special masses. Events include parades, dedications, or other civic functions.

The Color Corp Uniform is a Navy-Blue Blazer with Fourth Degree Emblem Blazer Crest, slacks, tie and a black beret. The ceremonial sword used by the Honor Guard symbolizes Christian Knighthood and is carried to signify reverence to the Church, Eucharist, Country and Freedom. A member serving in the armed forces of his country, full time police and firefighters shall be considered in proper attire when dressed in a Class A or dress uniform.